My name is Aaron Lodge and in May 2022 I began a clothing company and media platform named Blue Canoe. Hailing from the city of Derby, our aim is to provide authentic, organic and stylish clothing that inspires our wide customer base to feel part of a brand that is ambitious and inclusive.

For the past 2 years we have devoted our time to laying foundations within our city and beyond, and our website is now the main focus of our creative endeavours. We hope you enjoy x


When Blue Canoe was created in May '22 we wanted to provide a platform that showcased talent from within our city. It is quite commonly known that Derby is a place that goes under the radar and so we started filming podcast-style documentaries (Podcumentaries) with a diverse range of guests. From upcoming bands, to fighters on the cusp of achieving national coverage, to footballers from the 1970's, in 2 years we have nearly 50000 views across our channel. As we continue to expand you will see us incorporate guests on much bigger platforms, as well as staying true to our ethos of promoting local heroes. 

All of our episodes are edited by Derby Hip-Hop Artist BEETONE.
His music can be found also on YouTube.